Kita Therapy

Feedback and Complaint.

Kita Therapy Compliment, Complaint and Feedback Registration Form

Kita Therapy is committed to providing high-quality care and services and meeting your needs. We value your feedback – including complaints.

Please let us know what we do well and where we can improve our services.

Section 5: Privacy
Kita Therapy is committed to protecting your privacy. We collect and handle personal information that you provide on this feedback form for the purpose of investigating and responding.

Kita Therapy will only use your information in accordance with relevant privacy and other laws. In order for us to provide services to you effectively and efficiently, we may need to share your personal information with others that deals with the matters identified in your feedback.

If you choose to remain anonymous, Kita Therapy may be unable to deliver the full range of services you require.

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Kita Therapy Rouse Hill & Mascot
No Waitlist!

NDIS Registered Clinic providing Speech Pathology, Music Therapy and Occupational Therapy.